The Ward Jordana Frankel Books

The Ward Jordana Frankel Books
Ren lives in the Ward which was once called Manhattan before the tides swelled above sea level flooding the city forcing people to live in the higher buildings. People also developed a sickness called the Blight tumors that eat away at the body which is exactly what's happening to Ren's little sister Aven. In order to keep Aven pain free Ren has done some stuff she's not proud of like agreeing to work for the blues who police the wards. Ren has been sent on a mission to find fresh water since all the people have is rain water that they filter themselves. But working as a mole isn't her only job Ren is also the only girl in the boy dominated mobile racing.When her mobile malfunctions during a race letting her arch enemy win she discovers what she's been searching for the whole time fresh water. However this water isn't just fresh water it has healing properties and after sharing a little with Aven it shrinks her tumor down giving her a chance to live but its short lived because the tumor comes back aggressively. With the help of a new friend a young doctor Ren will embark on a mission to save not just her sister but all the people of the ward. In order to provide the doctor with fresh water she has to return to the source but upon returning she finds it's gone. As the two learn about the stream they find not only does it have healing properties but immortality which is what the governor is after. In order to save her sister and the people of the ward Ren will have to go against the one person she didn't expect risking it all before time runs out.
Ren is tough she doesn't see herself as the pretty girl, she fights for what she believes in even if it isn't the right choice. She only loves one person her sister Aven who is dying of Blight but that doesn't stop her from pushing herself to the limits to help her. Ren has two potential love interests Derek her Bookie and Callum the young doctor. At first I wasn't sure about Derek but in the end I see him as perfect even though I love Callum who is willing to die to save Aven. Maybe he'll find a girl in the next book. The supporting characters are awesome they enhance the story some are good while others are bad. You can't help loving Benny or Terrence or hating Kent, the Governor and chief. I love that Ren has support that she can trust.
I've had The Ward on the shelf since it first came out purchase in Hardback but never got around to reading it. Maybe it's the cover the water flooding scares me because we live close to the west coast and they always joke about California falling into the ocean. When the chance came up to use The Ward for my goodreads game I jumped at the chance. The book starts a little slow but I didn't have an issue with it the building was well worth it. The story is captivating as the book progresses it just draws you in till you can't put it down. Ren's story is a fast paced adventure right to the last page, filled with surprises both good and bad that keeps you guessing to the very end. The Ward is post-apocalyptic the author has created a unique concept that captures the imagination. The Ward is a beautifully written story that tears at your heartstrings leaving he read dying for the next book. I've been drawn to dystopian books for a while now and The Ward doesn't disappoint a must read. I would have to say The Ward is my favorite dystopian book this year. My only regret is I waited so long to read the book.

Tags : The Ward (9780062095343): Jordana Frankel: Books,Jordana Frankel,The Ward,Katherine Tegen Books,006209534X,Action & Adventure - General,Dystopian,Romance - General,Adventure and adventurers,Adventure and adventurers;Fiction.,Adventure stories,JUVENILE FICTION Action & Adventure General,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,Science fiction,Sisters,Sisters;Fiction.,Virus diseases,Virus diseases;Fiction.,Water supply,Water-supply,Adventure stories (Children's Teenage),Children's BooksAll Ages,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fiction,Fiction-Science Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Love & Romance,Monograph Series, 1st,New York,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),TEEN'S FICTION - ACTION & ADVENTURE,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,TEEN'S FICTION SCIENCE FICTION,United States,Virus diseases,Virus diseases;Fiction.,Water supply,Water-supply,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Young Adult FictionDystopian,Young Adult FictionRomance - General,Love & Romance,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Young Adult FictionDystopian,Young Adult FictionRomance - General,Children's BooksAll Ages,Fiction,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Adventure stories (Children's Teenage)
The Ward Jordana Frankel Books Reviews
This novel is amazing. The setting is futuristic and the characters are relatable. The book is action packed and has lots of surprises.
Fast and furious infused with a search for clean water sources in this riveting virus infected futuristic city. A touch of dystopian and ancient water guardians added to the mix, making this novel hard to put down.
3.5 Stars
We take fresh water for granted, but there are parts of the world where freshwater is a commodity. When that becomes the case for New York City, especially after the Wash Out, fresh water is the only thing people care about, next to a cure for the Blight. In Jordana Frankel's first novel in The Ward series, we see just how far people are willing to go to save the lives of those they love.
Ren can't tell anyone she works for the Blues, even if it is only to scout for water. Everyone would think she was a traitor who turned in the sick for a ransom rather than a selfless hero searching for a source of freshwater to sustain the population. Granted she wouldn't be working for the Blues had she not gotten arrested and forced to work for them, but still, she believes she is doing a good thing to find fresh water for the sick, dying, quarantined population. When she is told by a Blue to search a specific quadrant in the middle of a race whose purse she needs desperately, she can't tell him her sister is home suffering the final stages of the Blight. Instead of finding just fresh water, however, she finds something more important than she ever could have imagined.
She finds water that is essentially the Fountain of Youth, heavily guarded and protected, but powerful enough to cure everyone of the Blight. Or at least for a little while. When her sister Aven drinks the water, it beats back the Blight in her body briefly, but then it makes her worse. Now Aven must get to the bottom of what was int hat water to make Aven better, how to get more of it, and how to cure her sister. What she doesn't expect is a crazy governor, a group of guards who protect the spring to the death, and even people who she thought she could trust who have darker intentions. All Ren wants to do is save people, but it seems like everyone is standing in her way.
A good PA or dystopia has to create a world I understand and believe in. Unfortunately, The Ward had great potential, but it really didn't delve very deep into the world that was so integral to the entire story. For instance, what is the full story of the washout that dropped New York City into the water? How is it possible to have lots of technology like racers and some "party noise filter" that gives you a beam of silence in a party to talk in but still be poor enough to not be able to treat the illness or at least buy pain relievers, or even have electricity? The racing is another thing I never truly understood. They are subs, but then they are on the roof? At first I worried I had possibly read the book too fast, and that this caused me to miss this important backstory, but in looking at some other reviews online, I realized I wasn't the only one pretty confused with the backstory. This was a shame for me because the story was actually pretty interesting and read quickly for its size. But still, the backstory was a huge thing to leave out of the story and it took away from my enjoyment of the story. I hope Frankel puts more into the back story of the rest of the series, but I am concerned the story is going to struggle without having already established this background.
Ren is a great character with a headstrong need to help people, even in a world where so many are dying. I like her relationship with Aven even though they aren't blood sisters, and how Aven is the only concern for Ren's entire life. It made Ren an investible character for me, even when I struggled with other parts of the story. I was a little torn and confused about some of the supporting characters like Ter, Derek, and Callum, but I guess there could be more to give them a boost in the next book. Overall, this wasn't a bad book, but I shouldn't have finished 460+ pages with so many questions about basic plot points and characters. I don't think I would give this story to many students unless they were strong readers and could handle the plot holes. It might be interesting for someone who has already read a lot of PA or dystopias and is looking for another. I will certainly read the next book in the series, but I strongly hope Frankel plugs the holes when she writes it!
Ren lives in the Ward which was once called Manhattan before the tides swelled above sea level flooding the city forcing people to live in the higher buildings. People also developed a sickness called the Blight tumors that eat away at the body which is exactly what's happening to Ren's little sister Aven. In order to keep Aven pain free Ren has done some stuff she's not proud of like agreeing to work for the blues who police the wards. Ren has been sent on a mission to find fresh water since all the people have is rain water that they filter themselves. But working as a mole isn't her only job Ren is also the only girl in the boy dominated mobile racing.
When her mobile malfunctions during a race letting her arch enemy win she discovers what she's been searching for the whole time fresh water. However this water isn't just fresh water it has healing properties and after sharing a little with Aven it shrinks her tumor down giving her a chance to live but its short lived because the tumor comes back aggressively. With the help of a new friend a young doctor Ren will embark on a mission to save not just her sister but all the people of the ward. In order to provide the doctor with fresh water she has to return to the source but upon returning she finds it's gone. As the two learn about the stream they find not only does it have healing properties but immortality which is what the governor is after. In order to save her sister and the people of the ward Ren will have to go against the one person she didn't expect risking it all before time runs out.
Ren is tough she doesn't see herself as the pretty girl, she fights for what she believes in even if it isn't the right choice. She only loves one person her sister Aven who is dying of Blight but that doesn't stop her from pushing herself to the limits to help her. Ren has two potential love interests Derek her Bookie and Callum the young doctor. At first I wasn't sure about Derek but in the end I see him as perfect even though I love Callum who is willing to die to save Aven. Maybe he'll find a girl in the next book. The supporting characters are awesome they enhance the story some are good while others are bad. You can't help loving Benny or Terrence or hating Kent, the Governor and chief. I love that Ren has support that she can trust.
I've had The Ward on the shelf since it first came out purchase in Hardback but never got around to reading it. Maybe it's the cover the water flooding scares me because we live close to the west coast and they always joke about California falling into the ocean. When the chance came up to use The Ward for my goodreads game I jumped at the chance. The book starts a little slow but I didn't have an issue with it the building was well worth it. The story is captivating as the book progresses it just draws you in till you can't put it down. Ren's story is a fast paced adventure right to the last page, filled with surprises both good and bad that keeps you guessing to the very end. The Ward is post-apocalyptic the author has created a unique concept that captures the imagination. The Ward is a beautifully written story that tears at your heartstrings leaving he read dying for the next book. I've been drawn to dystopian books for a while now and The Ward doesn't disappoint a must read. I would have to say The Ward is my favorite dystopian book this year. My only regret is I waited so long to read the book.

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