The Vampire Manifesto Vampire Manifesto Book One 1 eBook Rashaad Bell

The Vampire Manifesto Vampire Manifesto Book One 1 eBook Rashaad Bell
This book desperately needed an editor. It is obvious that it was spellchecked, but not proof-read. The wrong words were chosen almost exclusively. The correct use of "too" was absent. One of the characters was called "Principle" rather than "Principal". These are not small mistakes, they are glaring errors. Other than the overall lack of a proof-reader, the story was enjoyable. Somehow I managed to finish the book, but I'm not sure how. The story was great, but the characters were not fully fleshed out. The author spent much of their time advancing the story, which is great, but a few words as to why the characters, other than the MC, reacted in the way that they did would have been really nice. I would gladly read the second book, if it could be guaranteed that the book was actually professionally edited.
Tags : The Vampire Manifesto (Vampire Manifesto Book One 1) - Kindle edition by Rashaad Bell. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Vampire Manifesto (Vampire Manifesto Book One 1).,ebook,Rashaad Bell,The Vampire Manifesto (Vampire Manifesto Book One 1),FICTION Fantasy Paranormal,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic
The Vampire Manifesto Vampire Manifesto Book One 1 eBook Rashaad Bell Reviews
It's a really great story, very interesting. I would have loved to see it developed more. It seemed a little rushed. I would have given this more stars if only it had been proof-read once. There were a lot of mispellings and grammar errors that took away from enjoying the book completely.
It also seemed to me that the way the characters talked to each other was unrealistic, and almost trying too hard to be "cool." Between the spellings errors and the text speak, it was very annoying and the only thing that kept me reading was the concept of the story. It's a shame it was so poorly written because the story line was very interesting.
This book would be a lot better if it were proof-read. The typos, malapropisms, and missing words are enough to drive even a mediocre english major insane. I couldn't make up my mind if I really liked the characters, but the story was interesting. Some of the explanations of the time shifting theories (string theory) etc were convoluted enough to add to the confusion instead of clarifying. With all the drinking, pot smoking and implied sex I wouldn't give it to any of my relatives under 18 to read. If you like vampires this book will probably be interesting to you, but don't expect Twilight grade, vampires. These vamps actually kill people and that's why I give it my seal of approval )
It was a good book and I read it in one day. I enjoyed it a lot. I do have one issue. On page 109 of the version it is talking about Madison remembering the voice of the man who sold her and Ethan ice cream at the beach, but instead of recalling her and Ethan, it recalls her and her brother Aiden. Other than that I really enjoyed it. When will I get to read book 3? THe to be continued at the end of the books
I was very into the concept of this novel and was excited to read it. However, I was only able to read about 1/4th of it because of the blatant spelling and grammar errors. Some of the novel is even written in "text speak" such as "OMG LOL!" It took away from the integrity of the story for me. This novel belongs on a fan fiction site and not as literature that can be purchased on . I do not recommend this to any serious readers. If you want more fiction that is not proof-read and poorly written, then go to Watt Pad. Serious writers who are willing to go over a story multiple times (and graduated high school English) should be the only one on .
This book was amazing. No popular formulas were followed and I appreciate that. Great Plot!! There were so many surprise twists that I didn't expect. The author gave detailed descriptions of the characters and scenes without going overboard and making it skip-worthy. I actually purchased the 2nd book because i was emotionally invested in these characters. After reading both books, I read some of the other posted comments. It disappoints me that people would give one-star reviews based on spelling and grammatical errors. Are we forgetting that these are self published books? I loved the conversations between the characters. Yes, they were "catch-phrasey" and even weird sometimes. But i have a 14 year old niece and a 15 year old stepson, so young people DO talk like that, and, yes, they are suburban kids. I do not personally know the author and I am NOT a family member but i did really enjoy the book.
This book may be right up the alley of a 13 year old, but I'm gonna surmise that even teens would think all the zippy catch-phrase-y, quirky quips were a bit much.
Before I was 20% through this book, I was absolutely exhausted. All conversations were comprised of smart-ass come backs, re-written catch phrases and loopy analogies.
There IS humor, but when each character ONLY speaks with this type of speech, it's over the top and not believable. No one talks like that all the time.
These kids never let up. No one spoke normally. Ever.
And...............yes. Massive, massive errors and grammar issues.
When you put out work with dozens and dozens of mistakes, you should use a fake name instead of associating your real name with messy work. I'd be very embarrassed.
What drove me nuts the most?
"It's just static cling."
WTF does that mean? The entire country (and possible others around the world) don't know what you're talking about so if you MUST use it in a book or anything else, don't use it over and over again.
BEAR with me, not BARE with me. That mistake was made quite often.
And as for the rest, I don't feel like typing the other gazillion things I found wrong.
I DID like the humor from time to time, but it would have been funnier to back off all the constant quips and zips and catch phrases. No one speaks like that.
"How did you know where I lived?"
"I've had farts bigger then the town you live in."
The five star reviews on this book are family friends. This book is bad and any high rating on this messy work is fake or from one of those people that give 5 stars regardless of what's on the written pages.
What I'd like to see?
Since I believe this writer can possible put out a decent YA book in the future as he/she gets older, I sincerely hope future projects are written without the errors and also dramatically tones down the catch-phrase dialog.
This book desperately needed an editor. It is obvious that it was spellchecked, but not proof-read. The wrong words were chosen almost exclusively. The correct use of "too" was absent. One of the characters was called "Principle" rather than "Principal". These are not small mistakes, they are glaring errors. Other than the overall lack of a proof-reader, the story was enjoyable. Somehow I managed to finish the book, but I'm not sure how. The story was great, but the characters were not fully fleshed out. The author spent much of their time advancing the story, which is great, but a few words as to why the characters, other than the MC, reacted in the way that they did would have been really nice. I would gladly read the second book, if it could be guaranteed that the book was actually professionally edited.

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